Nude Woman Photographed on Rio Beach

Brazil Travel & Tourism News

Nude woman photographed swimming in Rio de Janeiro surf
Nude woman photographed swimming in Rio de Janeiro surf (Photo: Alessandro Buzas / Futura Press / Estadão Content)

RIO DE JANEIRO – A press photographer caught a naked women frolicking in the surf early Monday morning, in the Flamengo neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. Police responsible for patrolling area told reporters that they had not received any complaints.

Nude Woman Photographed on Rio Beach

The municipal guard also said it had not answered any calls reporting nudity on the beach Monday.

Public nudity is not common on Brazilian beaches and, although near-nakedness is common, total nudity will generally result in arrest and criminal charges.

Police suspect that the nude woman and her companion were “European tourists,” unfamiliar with local customs and water quality. The water in Flamengo is among the most polluted in the city and rarely safe for swimming.

As of 10 a.m., police had not received any complaints from people who may have been offended by the act

Female Tourist Swimming Nude in Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro - Woman Caught Swimming Nude in Flamengo
Nude Tourist braves the very polluted sea at Flamengo Beach

(Photo: Alessandro Buzas / Futura Press / Estadão Content)

(Photo: Alessandro Buzas / Futura Press / Estadão Content)

(Photo: Alessandro Buzas / Futura Press / Estadão Content)

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One Response to Nude Woman Photographed on Rio Beach

  1. Klaus Saar says:

    In Rio beach ? How that,s is possible?

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