Mariana Rios Shows Off Perfection (Photos)

Mariana Rios cover of Quem Jan 2013
Mariana Rios cover of Quem Jan 2013

Brazil News

RIO DE JANEIRO – Mariana Rios, the 27-year-old Brazilian actress and cast member on the popular TV show “Salve Jorge,” drew many admirers at the beach in Rio last weekend. The bombshell brunette, who plays the character Drika in the show, appears on the cover of “Quem” magazine this week.

Mariana said her favorite beach is Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro, where photographers caught up with her while she relaxed during a break in filming. Celebrities and stars fill the beaches, restaurants, theaters and clubs of Barra da Tijuca during the summer.

The actress is engaged to Di Ferrero, lead singer for Brazilian rock band NX Zero. Mariana and rocker Ferrero expect to marry in 2014. “This year was so much work. We talked about marriage but decided to wait another year,” Ferrero said in a recent interview with Quem.

Mariana Rios at beach in Barra da Tijuca Jan 2013
Mariana Rios in colorful bikini Barra da Tijuca Jan 2013
Mariana Rios Jan 2013 Barra Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
Mariana Rios shows perfect body Jan 2013 Rio de Janeiro
Mariana Rios smiles at the beach Jan 2013 Rio de Janeiro

Picture Perfect Mariana Rios

Wowza! Mariana Rios smiles

Typical Brazilian Girl?

27-year-old Mariana Rios

Smile of an Angel. Mariana Rios

Mariana Rios began as a singer at age seven in Minas Gerais state often playing gigs with local bar bands. She moved to Rio de Janeiro at age 15 and graduated from the Casa de Arte das Laranjeiras, a prestigious school for the performing arts.

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