Catarina Migliorini Graces Playboy Brasil

Catarina Migliorini signs Playboy Brasil contract
Catarina Migliorini signs Playboy Brasil contract

Brazil News

RIO DE JANEIRO – Catarina Migliorni, the Brazilian woman who auctioned off her virginity to the highest bidder, is on the cover of January’s Playboy magazine in Brazil.

The 20-year-old virgin sold her first sexual experience to a Japanese man for U.S. $780 thousand dollars in an auction that ended in October. As of early 2013, the deal remains unconsummated and Migliorini told G1 that “there is a 3 in 10 chance I will go through with the deal.”

According to the Playboy Brasil website, the deal called for Catarina to lose her virginity on a flight between Australia and the United States.

Catarina Migliorini appears in Playboy Brasil
Catarina Migliorini appears in Playboy Brasil

Catarina remains a virgin, however, as consummation of the deal is awaiting a court decision.

Catarina Migliorini nude in Playboy Brasil Dec 2012
Catarina Migliorini nude in Playboy Brasil
Catarina Migliorini with bunny in Playboy Brasil January 2012
Catarina Migliorini with bunny in Playboy Brasil
Catarina reads Lolita topless
Catarina reads Lolita topless

See Catarina pose provocatively for the “Virgins Wanted” website
17-Year Old Virgin Luciana Vendramini appeared in Playboy Brasil in 1987

Catarina Migliorini is the newest virgin to pose nude for Playboy Brasil, but not the first. In 1987, then 16-year-old actress and virgin Luciana Vendramini, a “Paquita” on the “Xou da Xuxa” TV program, posed nude for the magazine before she experienced sex for the first time.

Vendramini had just turned 17, when she appeared wearing her “Paquita” outfit on the cover of the December 1987 issue of Playboy Brasil. Nude photos of the teenager appearing inside the magazine were legal under Brazilian law at the time, due to her status as an emancipated minor.

In 2003, 16 years older and no longer a virgin, Luciana Vendramini returned to the cover of Playboy Brasil. Again gracing the December cover, the actress and model appeared more stunning then she had at 16.

Luciana Vendramini in Playboy Brasil
Luciana Vendramini in Playboy Brasil

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  1. Pingback: Virginity to The Highest Bidder

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