Brazil News

RIO DE JANEIRO – Closed circuit security cameras at a firm in Sao Paulo recorded the moment a freight train t-boned a school bus Thursday morning. At the time of the collision, only the bus driver and his sister were on board the vehicle.
Firefighters rescued the two victims and transported them to the local public hospital, where doctors attended to their minor injuries. The incident occurred in Suzano, a city in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo.
The video shows the bus attempt to drive across the railroad tracks without stopping. The bus never even slowed down before the impact. The train pushes the bus out of view of the video camera and, according to police, continues another 100 yards before stopping.
According to investigators, the bus driver had been negligent by failing to obey the crossing signals. “The site has signals and the driver is there every day,” police told G1.
The police report says that the train engineer blew the horn more than once. Bruno Gabriel de Freitas, 11, would have taken the bus to school. “I heard the horn from down there. I though the driver was going to stop,” said the boy.
The collision occurred around 7 a.m. The bus had just left the garage and Bruno would have been the first student to board. Police say that although the crossing does not have a gate, the crossing has visual signaling.