Pit Bull Survives Vicious Porcupine Attack

Brazil Dog News

Pit Bull in Brazil Survives Vicious Porcupine Attack
Pit Bull in Brazil Survives Vicious Porcupine Attack (Photo: Maikon Leal/Coxim Agora)

RIO DE JANEIRO – A motorcycle shop owner in South-Central Brazil opened business Monday to find his watchdog injured with over a thousand porcupine spines, reported online media. The barbs, which peppered the pit bull’s face, snout, front legs and shoulders, required urgent veterinary attention.

Pit Bull Survives Vicious Porcupine Attack

The dog apparently managed to kill the barbed rodent during the attack.

Alcides Tadeu Queiroz Moura, the dog’s owner, found his injured dog when he opened his shop for business Monday morning. The motorcycle store is in Cochin, Mato Grosso do Sul, 243 kilometers (151 miles) from Campo Grande.

Veterinarian Antonio de Carvalho told G1 that he administered general anesthesia before removing the barbs, which measured 10 centimeters (almost 4 inches) on average. The procedure required nearly two hours.

“He left surgery pretty sore, especially on the inside of the mouth, where I had to use a scalpel to remove the thorns,” said Carvalho. He added that after the anesthesia wore off, the dog is doing well and is not at risk.

As a precaution, the dog will remain hospitalized for two days. “The porcupine does not release venom, but can cause infection in the dog. So he will remain under observation,” said the vet.

The dog guards the Motos Sao Paulo premises and over the years has chased off some other animals, such as snakes and an armadillo, Alcides told Coxin Agora.

Pit bull injured with over one thousand porcupine spines

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