Brazil News
Fake ‘Baby Bump’ Conceals Cocaine
Spaniard Arrested with Cocaine in RS
Cocaine Falls from the Sky in Mato Grosso
Police Seize U.S. $600 Thousand in Cash
Romanian Mule Arrested with Cocaine
Dutchman Busted with 4 kg Cocaine
Highway Police Seize 150 Kilos Cocaine
Over 500 Kilos Pure Cocaine Seized
Thai Woman Arrested Carrying Cocaine
Feds Foil Syria-Bound Cocaine Shipment
Drug Dealers Operate out of Graveyard
Addicts Bear Dealers Trademark Tattoo
Military Police Raid Rio’s Shantytowns
Ronaldinho Image Found on Bags of Crack
Police Seize One Ton of Marijuana in ES
Police Seize One Ton of Marijuana in ES
Italian Arrested with Cocaine in Fortaleza
Stuffed Himself With Drugs for Christmas
Dutch Women Busted Carrying Cocaine
Largest Pot Bust in History of Northeast
Police Say Gang Moved Drugs in Ambulances
13 Tons of Marijuana Seized in Brazil
Police Seize Half Million in Cash
Two Busted with Cocaine at Rio’s Airport
Feds Seize 648 Kilos Marijuana
Arrested with Cocaine in Underwear
672 Kg of Pot Stolen from Police
Dutchman Busted in Rio with Cocaine
Englishman Busted with Cocaine
Youth Caught With 393 Kg Marijuana
Body Scan Busts Mule Boarding Flight
Arrested Carrying 34 lbs Pure Cocaine
Trafficking Arrests Climb in Iguassu Falls
Beets Stuffed with Cocaine from Bolivia
Moroccan Woman Arrested Carrying Cocaine