Brazil Quadruplet Pregnancy May be Hoax

Brazil News

| SAO PAULO – The story of a Brazilian woman who says she is pregnant with quadruplets, has created controversy in Taubate, Sao Paulo, where she lives and beyond. The woman’s former doctor, who took care of her until the end of last year, has expressed his doubts about the purported pregnancy. The woman’s lawyer, however, insists that she is pregnant.

A very pregnant looking Maria Veronica Vieira. Media reports on Wednesday 18 January 2012 call the woman's purported quadruplet pregnancy into doubt

 Maria Veronica Vieira (Photo: G1 SP/VNews)

Obstetrician Wilson Vieira de Souza says that Maria Veronica Vieira had an ultrasound that showed that she was not pregnant. “She came to my office in June, saying that she was pregnant. I ordered an ultrasound examination and she only brought it on August 30. I also asked for a pregnancy test but she didn’t have one. That day, she was not pregnant,” he told G1 SP.

According to the obstetrician, Maria returned to his office on October 21st, with further tests. “I said I had no data showing pregnancy. So when January came, I saw the reports [in the media] and I knew,” he said.

He says that in such a pregnancy, which is considered risky, the ideal is that tests are conducted every 20 days to analyze the health condition of the babies.

Maria Veronica hasn’t been seen at the apartment where she lives in Taubate, since last Friday. According to neighbors, she moved in about three months ago and already had a belly that attracted attention.

The probability of spontaneously conceiving quadruplets is 1 in 512,000. All family members were happy with the impending arrival of four girls. The birth of the quads was scheduled to take place in mid-January. This is Maria’s second pregnancy.

In the last two days, the couple declined to give interviews about the pregnancy. The woman’s lawyer, Marcos Leite, defends her, saying that she is under doctor’s orders to rest. He said the measure was taken after the woman began suffering from nerves after the latest allegations that her pregnancy was a hoax. The lawyer affirmed that the woman is still pregnant. He adds, however, that he will not submit her to tests to “preserve the couple’s privacy.”

UPDATE: Late Wednesday afternoon, police in Taubate announced the opening of an investigation into the purported pregnancy.

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Source(s) for this article: G SP1

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