Armed Robber Dances During Heist (Video)

Armed robber dances and primps in mirror dugin heist
Armed Robber Dancing (Photo: G1 / TV Anhanguera)

Brazil News

RIO DE JANEIRO – A clothing store’s security cameras recorded an armed robber dancing and primping himself in a mirror during a heist Thursday, in central Brazil. Police arrested three minors for robbing the clothing shop in suburban Goiânia, capital of Goias state.

One of the robbers is clearly visible in the video during the entire robbery. After shoving the shop owner into a storeroom, the youth is visible dancing and primping himself in the mirror, all the while his accomplices empty the store of merchandise.

According to police, the youths aged 15, 16 and 17 each have police records. A fourth minor that also participated in the robbery is still at large.

According to detective José Carlos Bezerra da Silva, the minors entered the shop, took the owner and employees hostage and looted the shop for almost all its merchandise. “We were able to recover about 70 percent of the items they took but we didn’t recover it all because we didn’t catch them right away. They cleaned the place out, took everything,” he said.

The detective added that police, even before the robbery, wanted the criminals and that they were particularly dangerous. “They are very violent, cold and calculating. Even while the one took the time to dance in front of the camera, he was calm and without a care in the world. Despite their young age, they are already professionals.

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