MMA’s Mauricio Rossi Beats Ex-Girlfriend

MMA fighter Mauricio Rossi arrested in Rio for assault on ex-girlfiend
MMA Fighter Mauricio Rossi Arrested

RIO DE JANEIRO – MMA fighter Mauricio Rossi assaulted a former girlfriend at a gas station convenience store in Rio, in early October, reported RJTV Thursday. Security cameras recorded the incident, which began in the parking lot and continued as the unidentified victim sought refuge inside the store. Police arrested Rossi Tuesday on attempted murder charges.

MMA’s Mauricio Rossi Beats Ex-Girlfriend

According to reports, Rossi and the victim ended their relationship over a year before the October attack. Police say Rossi was angry that his ex-girlfriend became involved in a new relationship. The beating left the victim hemorrhaging from the eyes and sinuses.

The gas station security footage shows the ex-girlfriend arrive at the site riding in the front passenger seat of a car driven by another person. She exits the car and enters the convenience store. As she leaves the store a few minutes later and heads toward the car, Rossi approaches, hits her in the face and shoves her aside before trying to open the car’s passenger door, kicking and hitting the vehicle until it backs up and drives off.

Cameras inside the store show the victim seeking refuge in a back office, shutting the door behind her and leaning against it, in a failed attempt to keep it closed. The lights go out as Rossi, wearing a backpack, forces his way into the office. He hits her several times before she falls to the ground, where he kicks her. At one point, a man enters the office, pushes Rossi out and tries to close the door, but Rossi forces his way back to give the victim one last kick before fleeing.

According to the victim, the relationship had ended more than a year ago. During this period, Rossi made threats. The woman also said that, on the day of the attacks, Rossi called to say that he would meet her new boyfriend and he would beat her.

Police in Itaipu, where they arrested the fighter, say they will indict him for attempted murder. “At minimum, he was able to predict the aggressiveness of those blows,” said the inspector.

The boxer’s manager said he did not try to kill his girlfriend. According to him, Rossi “snapped” and attacked the girl after catching her betraying him. He added that the charge of attempted murder was absurd.

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