Dilma Pays Tribute to Holocaust Victims

Brazil News

| SALVADOR, Brazil – President Dilma Rousseff participated on Sunday in a ceremony honoring the victims of the Holocaust. Sponsored by the Jewish Confederation of Brazil (CONIBO) in partnership with the Israeli Society of Bahia, the event was held at the Ruy Barbosa Forum, in Salvador.

President Dilma Rousseff pays tribute to Holocaust victims in Salvador

Dilma Rousseff in Bahia (Photo: Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR/G1 BA)

Representatives of the Jewish community and the governor of Bahia, Jaques Wagner, commented on the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of the Holocaust, which was established by the United Nations (UN), in honor of peoples who were decimated by the Nazi regime during World War II.

In the president’s speech, which ended the ceremony, Dilma said that “the Holocaust will always be a paradigm of intolerance” and saluted the courage and hope of those who fought against the policy of extermination.

”Whenever you try to destroy human dignity or change consciousness with methods like this, we are making a policy of extermination. Unfortunately it still happens in the world. We are sorry for all victims of extermination, who currently suffer the same inhumane policy and disqualification from humanity as practiced by the Nazis.”

Dilma also called for peace in the Middle East, saying she was in favor of creating “a democratic Palestinian state which is not segregated.”

”Brazil, from the beginning, was among the first to support the creation of the Israeli state. It is amazing that after all this time we have not yet achieved peace in the Middle East. The Brazilian state believes that for this, it is imperative to create a democratic and non-segregated Palestinian state.”

On Monday, Dilma will go to Camaçari in the metropolitan region of Salvador, where she signs the work order for revitalization of the Camaçari River Basin. The work will cost R$274 million ($158 million USD) and should benefit 90,000 people.

Late Monday afternoon, the president travels to Cuba for her first official trip as president to the country. Dilma will stay two days on the island.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 Brasil

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