Brazil News

Necrophilia in a Cemetery
Police say that the suspect, whom they arrested drunk in a nearby bar on Saturday, accepts that he committed the crime.
A relative of the deceased woman first saw the body out of the coffin Saturday morning and reported it to police. “In twelve years of policing I’ve never seen anything like it,” one of the investigators told G1. According to police, they found the body naked with traces of blood in the pelvic region.
Police say the man admitted in an affidavit that he knew the dead woman and had even attended the burial on Monday. According to the officer, the prisoner confessed that he was an alcoholic. “He said that he was drinking on Saturday, jumped over the wall of the cemetery and searched out the woman’s tomb for no reason,” the investigator told G1.
Police closed the investigation on Monday and sent the case to prosecutors. For committing necrophilia in a cemetery, the suspect faces charges of violating a grave, denigration of a corpse and disrespecting a body. Each crime has a penalty ranging from one to three years. The suspect remains in the city jail.
Tamboril Ceará
Tamboril is a small agricultural municipality in the interior of the Northeastern state of Ceará. The city, founded in 1854, is 187 miles inland from the state capital, Fortaleza. The population is around 26,000 (2004).
Hot tropical semi-arid with rains from January to April. The average maximum and minimum temperatures occur in October (95.7° C) and July (65.8 ° C). The winds blow in the northeast quadrant / southeast, with speeds ranging from 6 mph in February to 8.5 in July and November. Tropical semi-arid warm January to April.