Father & Son Meet in Jail after 17 Years

Brazil News

| SAO PAULO – After more than 17 years estranged, father and son were reunited on Saturday in the Sao Jose do Rio Preto Jail, in the state of Sao Paulo. The two were arrested in different places and for different crimes – the father for making threats and the son for robbery.

Orival Raimundo de Souza, Jr. spies his father Orival Raimundo de Souza, Sr. in the jail where they were reunited after 17 years estranged.

 Orival Raimundo de Souza, Jr. & Sr. (Photo: diarioweb.com.br)

Before they met at the jail, the father had not seen his son since the boy was 1 year and four months old. The young man did not know who his father was.

Police arrested the unemployed Orival Raimundo de Souza Jr., 19, for robbing a gas station in Rio Preto 10 days earlier. When he was taken to the police station and produced his identification, police realized that his father, truck driver Orival Raimundo de Souza, 54, had just moments earlier been arrested for making threats and was at that moment being transported to the jail.

The two men with the same name made an impression on police who decided to reunite them, according to the chief, Lafayette Sanches Fernandes. According to Sgt. João Eduardo, who witnessed the encounter, the father was thrilled, but the younger man was unmoved by his father’s story. “The father tried to explain to his son why he walked away, but to no avail,” said the Sargent.

“I had seen this guy on the street, but I didn’t realize he was my father,” said Orival Jr., who then defended his reaction. “He killed my mother, he means nothing to me,” he said. Orival Sr. was arrested for a crime committed in 2008, but was just picked up by police. According to an officer on duty, Mauro Truzzi Otero, the father was arrested in 1994 for killing his ex-wife, Rita Giulia.

The father will be released soon but the son will spend some time locked up for the robbery. The father promises to send a car to pick up his son when he is released from jail. “I’ll explain to him what happened with his mother, I’ll send a car for him, I’ll reward him,” he said with great emotion.

The chief says that the two will not be stuck together during their stay. They will remain in separate cells.

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Source(s) for this article: terra.com.br

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