Brazil Celebrity News

SAO PAULO – Jennifer Lopez arrived in Brazil on Friday to perform – for the first time in the country – at the Pop Music Festival 2012. The singer disembarked in Cumbica Airport in Guarulhos, São Paulo. She sings at the São Paulo Pop Music Festival 2012 in Anhembi on Saturday.
Jennifer Lopez Arrives in Sao Paulo
J-Lo landed in an Argentine hospital yesterday, after injuring herself during a show. She suffered a slight muscle strain and had to undergo medical examinations. In good spirits, she reassured her fans via Twitter:
Got an xray this morning…all good…pulled back muscle ..coconuts getting to big to carry both at once. Awww… #timeflies
and the American group also appear at the event. Paris Hilton will DJ for an hour at the end of the show, which last year featured .
is another attraction of this year’s festival. The winner of “American Idol” is in Brazil to promote her fifth CD.
In addition to the Pop Music Festival, will perform in Fortaleza on June 30 and Recife on July 1st. This is the first time the singer and actress has toured Brazil.
It takes more than money to attract JLo, according to Vivian Masutti’s column “Ola,” published in the newspaper “Agora,” Jennifer sent the producer of Pop Music Festival 2012 a wish list: fish, organic raisins, fresh fruit and whole wheat pasta.
Following a strict diet, and an ardent proponent of preserving ones beauty via proper hydration, she asked for only one brand of water – filtered 17 times before being bottled.
Oh, and one more thing: a mirror exactly 5′ 5.75” in height.
Jennifer last visited the country in March, when she arrived with boyfriend and dancer Caspar Smart. They came to Brazil to film the final episode of her reality show “Q Viva: The Chosen.” She Also came to Carnaval in February and said at the time that she “loved Brazil and can’t wait to return.”