Brazil News

SAO PAULO – Fearing the worst, a police bomb squad detonated a suitcase found abandoned in front of a São Paulo Synagogue Tuesday. The bag had been left at the corner of São Vicente de Paula St. and Alameda Barros St., in the Santa Cecilia neighborhood in the downtown area.
Bomb Squad Called to São Paulo Synagogue
According to the Military Police (PM), a passerby noticed the abandoned suitcase in front of Congregação Mekor Haim and called police. Men of the 2nd Company, 13th Battalion arrived on the scene at about 1:10 pm and blocked off the streets in front of the synagogue.
The Special Operations Tactical Group (GATE), called in to assess the situation, blew the bag up. After destroying the bag, the bomb squad determined it empty.
For two hours during the operation, synagogue officials could not enter of leave the temple and pedestrians were not allowed to traverse the area. Police and religious officials expressed relief that the call was a false alarm.