Hospital Waste Seized in Brazilian Port

Brazil News

Twenty tons of hospital waste interdicted in the Port of Itajai in Southern Brazil
Spanish hospital waste (photo: Receta/G1)

FLORIANOPOLIS, Brazil – Brazilian Customs interdicted 20 tons of Spanish hospital waste arriving at the Port of Itajai, Santa Catarina state in Southern Brazil, reported online media on Thursday.

Hospital Waste Seized in Brazilian Port

The seizure is part of Operation Crimson Tide, ongoing since March. Customs found that the goods declared as “other terry fabrics of cotton.” it turned out to be toxic garbage.

According to IBAMA (Brazilian Environmental Police), who assisted in the operation, the Customs declaration identified the load – erroniously- as irregular linen fabrics, 100% cotton for the manufacture of small cleaning towels in different colors.

“However, the material imported from Spain was finished product. The shipment consisted of towels and uniforms, all used and discarded toxic waste, and in poor storage conditions,” IBAMA says.

The importer recorded the declaration in late April. Customs did not report the name or destination of the goods it identified, but the agency says it will take the necessary steps to return the cargo to the country of origin, without prejudice to other penalties.

Previously seized hospital waste in Brazilian ports

This was the third load of garbage interdicted at the port in less than eight months. The earlier loads have already been returned to the country of origin.

In March of this year, Customs interdicted 40 tons of household garbage shipped from Canada in two containers. The importer eventually shipped the garbage back to Canada.

In September 2011, customs agents interdicted six containers filled with household garbage. The shipper eventually returned those containers, shipped from Spain, to the country of origin.

In October 2011, customs discovered 46 tons of medical waste in northeastern Brazil. The waste, shipped from the South Carolina port of Charleston to the port of Suape, in Pernambuco state, was eventually returned to the U.S. in January.

Some of the wast from the October shipment was sold in stores in Recife and around the state of Pernambuco. The United States Embassy in Brasilia and the FBI liaison investigated that shipment of hospital waste but did not find any violations of U.S. law.

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