Gaucha Selected ‘Summer Girl 2012′

Brazil News

| PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil – On Saturday, 18-year-old gaucha Marceli Almeida was selected ‘Summer Girl 2012’ in the sands of Capão da Canoa, on the Rio Grando do Sul coast. “It was my dream and I followed through to accomplish it” said the student and model.

18-year-old gaucha Marceli Almeida was elected Summer Girl 2012 in the southern Brazil state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Summer Girl 2012 (Photo: Lauro Alves / RBS Agency /G1 RS)

Representing the City of Palmeiras do Sul, she was chosen from among seven thousand contestants after a marathon of events. Marceli’s beauty stood out among the 80 finalists for the title in one of the most traditional of beauty pageants in this southern most Brazilian state. “It was a great feeling,” she says to all who ask about the title.

The gaucha, as residents of the state are known, carries 63 kg (139 lbs) on her 184 cm (6 foot ½ inch) frame. She says that she prepared for the pageant all year long, both mentally and physically. “I worked out at the gym and I changed my diet. I ate a lot of salad and fish and was sure to drink lots of water,” says the statuesque beauty.

After fulfilling her duties as the Girl of Summer, Marceli plans to return to her well-planned future. She has already been a working model for over a year and a half. In addition to her obvious physical attractiveness, she’s smart too. She plans on returning to school to study fashion and journalism, hoping to become a fashion journalist.

Summer Girl 2012 Marceli Almeida

Marceli Almeida (Photo: Leticia Carlan/G1 RS)

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Source(s) for this article: G1 RS

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