Video: Murder Captured by Police CCTV

Brazil News

| RECIFE, Brazil – Security cameras installed in Our Lady of O Square, in Ipojuca, Metropolitan Recife, recorded a murder at 3:40 pm on January 1st. Police arrested a 25-year-old man who is suspected of committing the crime on Saturday night.

Security camera catches a murder on New Year Day in a public plaza in Recife 01 January 2012

Recife Murder Video (Photo: G1 PE)

The video shows people talking in the street when the suspect approached. Soon after, he opens fire and runs away. The victim can be seen lying on the sidewalk while witnesses, frightened, fled the scene. The suspect in the brazen crime was arrested near his home in the community of Arame, in Porto de Galinhas.

When he was arrested, he was in possession of a .38-caliber revolver, with its serial number filed off. Ammunition was also found. The suspect was on work furlough while serving time at a nearby state penitentiary.

Besides the murder, the suspect is charged with illegal possession of a firearm.

Recife Murder on Video (Video G1 PE)

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Source(s) for this article: G1 PE

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