Brazil News
| CUIABA, Mato Grosso do Sul – These days, residents of the Parque Atalaia district can only joke about the prevalence of twins in the area. According to health workers, there are at least twenty pairs of twins in the neighborhood, located in metropolitan Cuiaba.
At Least 17 Pairs of Twins in Parque Atalaia (Photo: Iara Vilela / G1 MT)
”I was scared and cried a lot. I never imagined that one day I would be the mother of twins.” That is how Maria Marta Azevedo responded when she found out she was pregnant with twins. She lives in the area where the occurrence of twins is high. The area residents account for 17 pairs of twins from just over 3,000 inhabitants and the mothers joke that the water is to ‘blame’ for the high rate of twins.
Obstetrician Marcondes Serra says that it is rare to find so many cases in such a small neighborhood. “This overcrowding of twins is not a simple coincidence. In most cases, there is a history of twin pregnancies in the family. But to have as many cases in a neighborhood is really interesting,” he said.
The women of the neighborhood search for an explanation for the many instances of twins in the region. They joke that an item consumed by all might have a strong additive. “We joke that it is the fault of the water because it is consumed by all of us. So every time a woman wants to get pregnant, we tell her to drink the water here,” said resident Cristina Zuita to G1 reporter Iara Vilela.
Maria José de Lima is a health worker in the neighborhood. She serves families in Parque Atalaia and states that the number of twins may be even greater. “If you count among the cases of twins, triplets and a couple who moved here recently, we certainly have more that 20 cases in the neighborhood,” she told G1.
Among the neighborhood twins are Wellington and Weaverton Souza Silva, 18. They say they like to maintain the same appearance. “We have traded places in school to take tests and ever our girlfriends were confused,” Weaverton said.
Weaverton added that once he and Wellington traded places at work for two days and nobody noticed. “We worked in the same company, only he in one area and me in another. We spent two days before anybody noticed. Then everybody laughed,” he said.
After the scare, Maria Marta got used to the fact that she was going to have twins. She is in the eighth month of pregnancy and says that having a twin sister, she did not expect to become pregnant with twins. “People always say that the occurrence of twins always skip a generation. So I never worried about having twins,” she said.
The obstetrician explained that there are no studies that prove this theory. “This has no impact. The only thing that is sure is that those who have occurrences of twins in the family are more likely to have twins. To think otherwise is just a myth,” he told G1.
The doctor also notes that in recent years the number of twins has increased worldwide, “Until the 80s, the percentage of twins was 1.2% worldwide. Today, with the techniques of fertilization, that number rose to 2.8%,” he said. Also according to the doctor, the statistics show that every 80 births is a twin. This figure rises to 5% in cases where there is an instance of twins in the families of the parents. “Those who have cases in the family are more likely than other people,” he said.
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Source(s) for this article: G1 MT