‘Barbie da Favela’ Goes Viral on YouTube

Brazil News

| SALVADOR, Brazil – Over the last three weeks, the band Mulhegada has taken the internet by storm with their music video ‘Barbie of the Favela.’ The three minute video shows buxom blond Bionda Blenda Sodré, better known as ‘Barbie da Favela,’ accompanied by other girls from the shantytown, singing and dancing in a white skirt and pink blouse.

Bionda Blenda Sodré, better known as Barbie da Favela, from Bahia, Salvador

 Bionda Blenda Sodré (Photo: Rafaela Ventura/correio24horas.com.br)

The catchy tune, which has been viewed over 100,000 times on YouTube, goes something like this: “My footprint is pink, I wear pink, I’m Barbie of the favela so please don’t tease me. Running, sliding, falling all over me.”

The ‘Barbie da Favela’ Video

Barbie of the Favela (Video: YouTube/estourado24)

In an interview with Correio24horas, the singer said that at first the idea was not to release the video on YouTube but to show it to producers. “The video was made to show producers what our music was all about and to show the costumes, but somebody posted it to YouTube. I’ve talked to him and he was very kind to me. In the end it was good. We’re all over the world and people are watching and commenting.”

Barbie of the Favela

A blond with big hair, pink clothes and full of personality, the leader of the band ‘Mulhegada’ says she always had that nickname. “I was handing out leaflets at a block Carnaval in the favela. When I arrived, people began to joke calling be ‘Barbie da Favela.’ It was cool, I liked it, so I decided to make a song,” said Blenda about her first job as a professional singer.

She said that the goal now is to make the band a pagode without the erotic and appealing image of the woman who has shown the music of Bahia to the world. The band Mulhegada wants to do more with women to identify with the band’s sound. “We want to do something more delicate, more feminine, in a way that women can identify themselves and like the band,” said Biondi in an interview with Rafaela Ventura of corrieo24horas.

Carnival in Bahia

The band was born just three months ago and is set to invade Salvador’s 2012 Carnaval. The presentation on Tuesday of the Festival of Momo has been confirmed in the Pillory in front of the Samba Schoold Olodum Mirim. The avenue, the singer prefers not to reveal just yet, but it looks like they will roll a cameo in a trio.

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Source(s) for this article: correio24horas.com.br/Rafaela Ventura

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