Miss Brazil 2010 Debora Lyra Improves

Brazil News

| VITORIA, Brazil – Miss Brazil 2010, Debora Lyra, who was involved in a serious automobile accident on Tuesday, remains in the ICU of the Unimed Hospital in Vitoria. A medical update was released on Friday advising that Debora is stable, lucid, breathing without the aid of a respirator and feeding orally. Debora will undergo further testing and remain under clinical observation in the ICU.

Debora Lyra, Miss Brazil 2010, before head-on collision, 27 December 2011, in Espirito Santo, Brazil

Debora Lyra Miss Brazil 2010 (Photo: top-beautiful-woman.blogspot.com)

According to her father, Luiz Fernando Lyra, Debora began asking about the accident and requesting information. “It is very challenging given all that happened in the accident. According to the doctors, she is recovering very well and will not have consequences after the end of her hospitalization. She is still in ICU and is only receiving visits from family,” G1 ES quoted her father as saying.

Debora’s boyfriend, Hermon Souza Lopes, also remains hospitalized in the ICU, lucid, conscious, breathing without the help of machines, but still requiring clinical observation due to the type of trauma, according to the medical report. Debora’s father said that, knowing his mother died in the accident, he was worried that Debora had died too because he was lucid soon after the accident and saw the state in which the two were.

Debora’s friend, Caroline Carone, who was also in the car, underwent an evaluation by an orthopedist who will review x-ray images and possibly schedule another consultation on Saturday.

Miss Brazil 2010, Debora Lyra's vehicle after head-on collision on December 27th, 2011, in Espirito Santo, Brazil

Debora's Vehicle after crash (Photo: TV Gazeta/G1 ES)

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Source(s) for this article: G1 ES

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