Brazil News

BRASILIA – Activists in the nation’s capital occupied the Esplanade of Ministries on Friday afternoon, agitating for legalization of marijuana in Brazil, reported online media. The protest began promptly at 4:20 pm, the time associated the world over with marijuana culture.
Legalization of Marijuana in Brazil
Last year, the Supreme Court ruled that the marches calling for legalization of marijuana are a legal expression of political thought. Prior to the ruling, police considered the protests advocacy of illegal drug use, which is against the law in Brazil.
The Federal District Military Police followed the entire protest without interfering
“We advocate legalization of marijuana in Brazil for three purposes: medicine, for patients with cancer, glaucoma; for religious use, which guarantees freedom of some African-Brazilian religions that are now prevented from expressing their religious freedom; and cultural use, which is social use that does not cause harm to the person,” the organizer of the march Flavio Pompeo, told Folha de São Paulo.
For the organizer, prohibition of marijuana is wrong, since according to him, the historical record shows people using cannabis for over 3000 years. “We think the ban is negative, strengthens organized crime and causes more harm than good,” he said.
The organizers of the march estimated that more than 3,000 people attended the protest Friday. The police said the number did not exceed one thousand protesters. The most anticipated of the walk was the descent to the National Congress. From there, the demonstrators went into the Three Powers Square, where they made “The Great Human Leaf,” a drawing of a marijuana leaf made by marchers.
The march surprised some people. “The world is really crazy, how can you ask such a thing?” Expressed waitress Lucia Vieira to Folha.
In order for the Marijuana March to happen, the Supreme Court recommended that there be no drug use and no advocacy for drug use. It fell upon the organizers to tell participants of the recommendation. Still, according to Folha, you could see marijuana being rolled into cigarettes in areas further away from the crowd.