Brazil News |
GOIANIA, Brazil – Early Friday morning, security cameras recorded three men looting a clothing store in downtown Rio Verde. Scared off by an alarm, they spent only 18 seconds inside the store but still managed to run off with about 40 pair of pants and 50 shirts.
Store Looted in 18 Seconds (Video G1 GO)
In their rush to escape, the burglars left behind a toy gun and a bike pedal, which was used to break the glass window where they entered the shop. The loss was over R$3,000 reals (about $1,750 USD) in goods which have not been recovered.
This wasn’t the first time the shop had been burglarized, so management prepared by installing an alarm system and security cameras. Thanks to the alarm, the burglars were scared off before taking more items; thanks to the security cameras, police have clear images of the burglars, who did not take care to hide their faces.
Images from the four CCTV cameras will help police identify the culprits. Still, other merchants on the street are thinking of other strategies to combat a wave of thefts.
The store manager, Wagner Machado Santana, says that the only other remedy they can think of is putting in bars. “We would be caged in our own shop and our customers will lose the opportunity to view our product displays clearly. So, our loss is huge,” he lamented to G1.
Rio Verde is an agricultural city of 235,000 inhabitants situated at a distance of 229 km (142 mi) from Goiânia, the capital of the state and 420 km (261 mi) from Brasilia, the capital of Brazil.
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Source(s) for this article: G1 GO