Feds Testing Biometric Field-ID Devices

Brazil News

| RECIFE, Brazil – A new system for positively identifying criminal suspects in the field is being tested in this Northeastern Brazilian city. Starting last Saturday, police are using a biometric reader, a small and simple machine which captures a suspect’s fingerprint and retrieves his identifying information from government databases instantly, eliminating the need for a trip to the police station.

Police in Recife test biometric identification device on Saturday 04 February 2012 at the Aflitos Stadium in Recife

Testing Biometric ID Device in Recife (Photo: G1 PE)

On Saturday, the equipment was tested at the Aflitos stadium in Recife, during a soccer match between Nautico and Santa Cruz, playing for the Pernambuco Championship. The device will also be used during Carnaval. “Generally, those who come with bad intentions, come with fake ID. So, for the police, this equipment makes it much easier because now we can identify criminals at the time of contact,” stadium policeman Marcelo Guerra told the G1 network.

Operating the device is simple: just put your finger on the reader and it tells you if the person is wanted for some sort of crime or appears in the national identity database maintained by the Federal Police (PF) [which all adult citizens in the country generally appear].

In Pernambuco, the testing is being done with the help of five assistants who were assigned by the feds for a period of one year, to gain experience for the 2014 World Cup. “Every World Cup requires the ability to positively identify suspects biometrically, via fingerprint, which is the safe way, giving no margins for homonyms, and avoiding confusion,” explained Jandir Carneiro Leão, director of the Tavares Buril Institute, to G1.

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Source(s) for this article: G1

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