Bob Dylan Touring Brazil in April 2012

Brazil News

| RIO DE JANEIRO – On Thursday, Time for Fun productions announced the schedule for Bob Dylan’s 2012 Brazilian tour. The American singer will perform at six shows across Brazil during the month of April.

American rocker Bob Dylan will tour Brazil in April 2012, performing in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Porto Alegre

Bob Dylan Brazil 2012 Tour (Photo: G1 Pop & Art)

Dylan will appear in Rio de Janeiro on the 15th of April (Citibank Hall); Brasilia on the 17th (Ginasio Nilson Nelson); Belo Horizonte on the 19th (Chevrolet Hall); Sao Paulo on the 21st and 22nd (Credicard Hall); and finishing up in Porto Alegre on the 24th (Pepsi On Stage).

Information about ticket sales can be found at the Time for Fun website. Sales for the Rio and Sao Paulo shows go on sale on March 5th. Clients of Creditcard, Citibank and Diners Club can purchase tickets at an exclusive pre-sale between February 27th and March 4th. For the shows in Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Porto Alegre, tickets go on sale February 27th.

This will be Dylan’s first appearance in Brazil since 2008. Dylan’s most recent albums are “Modern Times,” 2006, and “Together Through Life,” 2009. Some of the iconic singers biggest singles were “I want you”, “Like a Rolling Stone”, “Blowin’ in the Wind”, and “The Times They are a-Changin”.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 Pop & Art

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