Beautiful Women on Florianopolis Beaches

Brazil News

| FLORIANOPOLIS, Brazil – Intense heat hit this South Atlantic capital city on Saturday, leaving the beaches in the region packed with beautiful people. Despite starting out with some clouds the sun came out strong, leading weather agencies to warn of extreme ultraviolet levels over the next few days across the southern part of the country.

Beautiful young woman wearing a bikini strolling along a Floripa beach on 21 January 2012. Jurere Beach

Woman Walks Florianopolis Beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

At Jurere International Beach, one of the liveliest in the city, thousands of tourists, sunbathers, surfers and locals alike, covered every inch of sand. Those who arrived at the beach late found no space available in the most coveted areas.

By 1 pm, the thermometer soared to 29.5º C (85º F) and the humidity reached 75% in Florianopolis, according to the weather service, leading to a suffocating mugginess.

On both Saturday and Sunday, the high temperatures will be punctuated by occasional showers, typical of summer. Also, not ruled out – believe it or not – are hail storms, especially in the late afternoon.

Brunette wades in the Florianopolis surf on 21 January 2012. Jurere Beach

Wading Woman Florianopolis beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

Beautiful people play in the surf of Jurere Beach in Florianopolis, Brazil on 21 January 2012

Beautiful people play in Jurere surf (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

Women walking and talking at Jurere Beach Club in Florianopolis on 21 January 2012.

Women on Jurere Beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

Windsurfer off Jurere Beach, Florianopolis, 21 January 2012.

Windsurfing Jurere Beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

Women show their butts on Jurere Beach, Florianopolis, 21 January 2012

Women on Jurere Beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

Foxy women sunbathing on Jurere Beach, Florianopolis, 21 January 2012

Women Sunbathers on Jurere Beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

Foxy girl on Jurere Beach, Florianopolis, 21 January 2012

Hot girl on Jurere Beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

Beachgoers crowd Jurere Beach in Florianopolis Brazil on 21 January 2012

Beachgoers Jurere Beach (Photo: Fabrício Escandiuzzi/

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