Bahia Bank Robbers Sing ‘Happy Birthday’

Brazil News

| SALVADOR, Brazil – A bank branch office in Baixa Grande, a small town located 252 km (157 miles) from Salvador, was assaulted early Thursday afternoon. According to police, a group of about 10 people arrived at the scene in two cars and overpowered the two security guards.

Broken windows at a bank branch in Baixa Grande, Bahia, Brazil which was robbed by a criminal gang who sang Happy Birthday song as they fled with an undisclosed amount of cash.

Baixa Grande Bank Branch (Photo: Herbet Leão Oliveira/G1 Bahia)

Police also say that the heavily armed men managed to open the bank’s safe and escape with an unknown amount of cash. Nobody was injured in the assault.

“Witnesses said the group fled at high speed and celebrated by giving an assault-gun salute and singing the Happy Birthday song,” police spokesman Gilmar Barbosa told G1. It wasn’t immediately clear whose birthday it might have been.

Two bank officials and the branch manager were taken hostage and later released by the group, some distance away. The owner of one of the vehicles used in the assault reported to police that he had been carjacked as he was driving along the BA-052 highway. Police were still searching for the criminal gang on Thursday evening.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 Bahia

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