Man Leaving for Work Finds Jaguar in Garage

Brazil News

| SAO PAULO – A resident of Campo Limpo Paulista got quite a scare on Thursday morning, when leaving for work, he came face to face with a jaguar in his garage. Frightened, the resident went back inside and called the Municipal Guard (GM) and firefighters.

Brazilian man finds jaguar in his garage when leaving for work Thursday morning.

Jaguar in Garage (Photo: G1 SP)

According to the GM, the animal was very agitated when they arrived. It jumped a six-meter (20 foot) wall and escaped. Firefighters searched the neighborhood but didn’t find the animal.

Campo Limpo Paulista is a municipality located in the interior of Sao Paulo state, about 53 km (33 miles) from the capital. It has a (2003) population of about 75,000. Encounters with wildlife are not unusual in the state.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 SP

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One Response to Man Leaving for Work Finds Jaguar in Garage

  1. Don Romack says:

    I think this is not a jaguar. I think it is what we call a puma or mountain lion. The markings are of a Puma and not a Jaguar. Usually a Jaguar has different color markings and is a darker color, such as black. The head is also flatter on a jaguar. Thank you for publishing Brasil news in English. My Portuguese is not so good yet, but I am learning.

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