Trawlers Lynched by Angry Residents

Brazil News

| MANAUS, Amazonas – A 16-year-old boy was beaten to death and another was seriously wounded after being shot on Saturday night, in the Cidade Nova neighborhood of Manaus. According to the Military Police (PM), the two victims and another man were suspected of 18 robberies in the area.

Generic photo of Military Police of the 6th Batallion in Cidade Nova, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

PM 6th Battalion Cidade Nova (photo: O Globo)

A PM spokesman said that the trio was suspected of committing a series of “trawlers” that infuriated the people of the neighborhood. An unidentified person spotted the group and called for backup from other area residents, who lynched the suspects.

The teenager was beaten to death. Another suspect, 24, was shot in the abdomen and taken in serious condition to the emergency room for treatment. The third offender was arrested and taken to jail to await charges.

A trawler, or arrastões, is a term used in Brazil to describe a certain type of robbery carried out by a crew – sometimes two or three and sometimes a dozen or more – of thieves who rob groups of people where they gather, such as restaurants, bars, even whole apartment buildings utilizing an overwhelming show of force.

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Brazilian online news source for this article: G1 Amazonas
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