Woman Who Leaped from 12th Floor Tells All

by Michael Hone

Having survived leap from burning 12th floor apartment, says “God saved me, I was born again.”

GOIANIA, Goias – Muniki Dias Goulart, 25, who survived a jump from the 12th floor of a burning building in the capital, on September 29th, talked to TV Anhanguera in an exclusive interview Tuesday where she shared the drama that unfolded her family’s life that fateful day.

Muniki Dias Goulart, 25, jumped from her 12th floor apartment and lived to tell the tale. (photo: g1.globo.com)

Muniki Dias Goulart (photo: g1.globo.com)

According to her, the desperation is so great that there is no rational way of thinking: “You just want help, that’s all. It seems like the smoke gets in you and it will snuff you out. You don’t think, you just want to get out. So, you just keep searching for air and then all at once you jump. There was no thinking about it. I just went.”

The young woman is staying with her grandparents and says that the only explanation for having survived the fall is her faith in God: “God is showing everybody that he exists. When I fell from above I closed my eyes and though of God. And my mother said, ‘God will protect my daughter.’ I fainted right away. The last thing I remember is the thought of God.”

Muniki tells about the last moment with her father: “He was looking for me, searching from one side to the other. Then he found me and gave me a kiss on the lips and said thank God, took a deep breath, and then they put me in the ambulance. These are the last memories I have of my father.”

She mourns the death of her father and her husband, who leaped to his death just before Muniki’s jump: “I lost the love of my life, my companion. He was such a wonderful person. Only God can take away this pain, this tightening. I miss him so much. I loved my father too. He was a hero to return to look for me. I miss them so much,” she sighed.

The Fire Department suspects that an electric grill that had been left on and forgotten caused the fire. Four people where in the apartment at the time of the fire. Muniki’s husband, Eduardo Oliveira was the first to jump off the building and he died instantly. Muniki jumped next and was rescued by the Fire Department. Her fall was broken by an awning. She suffered broken ribs and hip and suffered burns to the hands and feet.

Her father was saved by an elderly neighbor, who managed to pull him in through the kitchen window. He was burned severely and succumbed to his injuries and died on October 10. Muniki’s mother, Katia Dias Goulart, was rescued by the Fire Department and was discharged from hospital on October 11.

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Brazilian online news source for this article: G1 Goias

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