Yoki Foods CEO Slaying Update

Brazil News

Police pulled Elize over the night of the murder while she had her husbands remains in the car
Ticket issued to Elize night of murder

SAO PAULO – Police in São Paulo pulled over the car driven by Elize Matsunaga the night she carried her husband’s body parts packed in suitcases, reported Folha de São Paulo on Friday. On Wednesday, Elize Matsunaga admitted to police that she shot her husband, CEO of billion-dollar food-giant Yoki Foods, then dismembered his body and dumped the pieces in the woods.

Police stopped Elize while she had her husband’s remains in the car

According to the Folha account, Military Police (PM) stopped Elize on May 20 because her car, a green Mitsubishi Pajero TR4 SUV, had expired plates. The PM pulled her over and fined her, according to the Civil Police of São Paulo.

Elize was driving to her native state of Paraná – south of São Paulo – to dump the body parts in familiar terrain when the PM pulled her over. Frightened by the traffic stop, but encouraged by not being discovered, she abandoned plans to drive south and instead dumped her husband’s remains in the woods nearby in Cotia.

She returned to the apartment where she lived with her husband and young daughter in Vila Leopoldina, in West São Paulo, where the building’s security cameras recorded her arriving about 11:53 pm, without the suitcases.

She told police that she dumped the three suitcases near the University of São Paulo before returning home. Police have abandoned hope of finding the suitcases since they were new and were most likely taken by somebody.

As of press time, police had not responded to a request for comment made by Folha.

Folha also reported that the defense lawyer told them that on the night of the slaying, when Elize confronted her husband with the evidence that a private investigator gave her confirming the executive’s infidelities, he threatened to get custody of the couple’s young daughter.

Elize was reportedly a call girl before marrying food executive

The victim reportedly threatened to expose her as an unfit mother because she had been a prostitute before they married. The pair reportedly met online when Elize was a call girl and he became her client. When the argument escalated, the victim attacked Elize and that is when, in a fit of emotion, she shot him.

How old is Elize?

O Globo reported on Friday that Elize is only 30 years old, not 38 as previously reported. Although, the São Paulo Department of Public Safety maintains that Elize is 38 years old. Globo spoke to the black widow’s former school teacher in Chopinzinho, in the interior of Paraná.

School records show Elize is just 30 years old.
Elize's School Records (Globo)

The teacher produced school records showing that Elize was born in 1981 and that she was a good student. The teacher described Elize as “very studious.” However, according to the Secretariat of Public Security of São Paulo, she is 38 years old.

The educator at the New Vision State School, Sandra Inez Bortolon Ceni, said in an interview with Globo that the facts of the case saddened her. “It’s a feeling of sadness. We educate. Try to convey to students good things for their life.”

Yoki Foods CEO Slaying Captivates Brazil

Yoki Foods CEO Slaying Update II

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