Toddler Rises from the Dead at Own Funeral

Brazil News

Kelvys Simão dos Santos awakened from the dead in front of 50 witnesses
Kelvys Simão dos Santos

BELEM, Brazil – A ‘dead’ two-year-old boy sat up in his coffin during his own open-casket funeral and asked his father for water on Saturday, reported online media. Stunned friends and relatives rushed the boy to hospital but he arrived dead.

Toddler Rises from the Dead at Own Funeral

Police in the Northern state of Pará are investigating whether doctors erred in the original declaration of death. On the island of Cotijuba, where the incident occurred, however, some say that it was a miracle or something supernatural. Approximately 50 people attending the wake saw the reawakening.

The public hospital admitted Kelvys Simão dos Santos with fever and shortness of breath last Friday. The hospital says the boy died during the night. The death certificate shows cause of death as respiratory failure, pneumonia and dehydration.

The hospital buffered the boy’s body cavities with cotton gauze and placed it in a body bag before sending it to the funeral home.

The hospital says that the corpse spent three hours without breathing before they sent it to the funeral home. However, the family says the boy removed the cotton from his nostrils and mouth before sitting up and asking for water.

During the funeral, according to the pastor Maria Raimunda Batista the boy was “moving the whole time.”

The boy’s father, farmer Antônio dos Santos, said that around 2 pm bystanders started doing CPR on the boy until he spat out the remains of cotton from his mouth. Soon after, he says, the boy sat up in the coffin and said “Dad, water.”

“People panicked, his grandmother fainted. His mother and father were very happy,” said the pastor. We took the boy to the hospital immediately, according to the father, but he arrived dead.

The boy’s father said he believes that the child reacted to the drugs given him at the hospital in trying to resuscitate him after they declared death.

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