E-Commerce Opportunities in Latin America

Google Press Summit 5.0 Santiago

SANTIAGO, Chile – The lack of content in local languages (Spanish and Portuguese) is a major obstacle to developing more business opportunities via the internet in Latin America, reported South American online media on Thursday.

Google Press Summit 5.0 (Photo: Bruno Ortiz)

That is the assessment of Adriana Noreña, director of Google for Spanish-speaking countries of the region, and was asserted during the “Google Press 5.0 Summit” event held by the company in Santiago (Chile) today and tomorrow.

The Google Press Summit is Google’s annual meeting for journalists in the region. On the agenda: Google Plus, Android, Freedom of Speech, Digital Rights, Ecology, Politics and Political Platforms.

According to the executive, there are currently 2.5 times more domains [internet addresses] registered in German than in Spanish – although there are four times more countries that have Spanish as their official language than German.

”The consumer is ready and thirsty. We, companies have to take better advantage of this market,” said Noreña, as a challenge to countries in the region.

Visibility was the biggest challenge to e-commerce companies in the region, noted the executive.

She also pointed out that in Latin America, revenue from online trading accounted, in 2011, for 0.3% of GDP for the region; in Brazil, 0.6% and in the U.S. exceeded 1% of GDP last year.

According to projections from eMarketer consulting, e-commerce will grow 30% this year in the Latin American market.

Information for this article came from Folha de Sao Paulo reporter Carolina Matos, who traveled to Santiago at the invitation of Google and filed a special report for Folha,. Additional information came from Bruno Ortiz, also attending the event and reporting for El Comercio (Peru).

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