Brazil News
SAO PAULO – A twenty-four year old woman’s search for a boyfriend is trending on Twitter in Brazil, rapidly becoming one of the most talked about topics in the country. Sexy and buxom, architect Camilla de Carvalho, originally from Manaus, but living in São Paulo since 2011, created a blog to find a boyfriend.
Camilla de Carvalho (Photo: TechTudo/G1)
“I was suffering on account of unrequited love and decided to create the blog because the internet has all kinds of people,” Camilla said in an interview with G1′s TechTudo. Her project, which started on Friday (11), instantly entered the Brazilian trending topics on Twitter with the hashtag .
Friends and family of Camilla are enthusiastic in their support for the unique initiative. “Nobody could put up with me anymore complaining that I wanted a boyfriend,” she said laughing. Camilla is not a newbie to using the internet to find love since she found her last boyfriend on Twitter.
With the sudden success of the blog, she says that she is not able to keep up with all the candidates. “We have not even had time to check, but in the first 15 minutes there were already more than 30.” Those interested need to respond with their name, email and social network profiles on the blog itself.
And what to do if it doesn’t work? She promises a radical step: “If this fails, I’ll give up everything and become a nun.”