Veterans Celebrate ’64 Revolution

Brazil News

| RIO DE JANEIRO – On Saturday morning, military reservists paid tribute to the military coup of 1964, which occurred 48 years ago. Four veterans of the Parachute Brigade jumped from an airplane, each with a flag of Brazil in tow, and landed on Reserve Beach in Recreio dos Bandeirantes in front of a kiosk frequented by military paratroopers.

Vets parachute to celebrate the 48th anniversary of the ‘Revolution of 1964’ in Rio de Janeiro

Revolution 64 (Photo: Domingos Peixoto/G1)

Ten Reserve Colonels were among the 50 veterans who attended the gathering. Among them, Jair Bolsonaro, who hired a plane to fly around the South Zone of Rio towing a banner bearing the message “Congratulations Brazil, March 31, 64.”

”This is a celebration in memory of that period of living in our country, which was disruptive, but allowed progress and transition to democratic rule,” André Chrispin, who until November served as Chief of the Infantry Parachute Brigade, told G1. “We are here to celebrate, yes. Democracy is freedom of expression.”

The Brazilian Armed Forces overthrew President Joao Goulart on April 1st, 1964. The military coup d’état, which is also known as the “Revolution of ’64,” put an end to the leftist government of Goulart, also known as Jango, a member of the Brazilian Labor Party. The military ushered in a return to civilian democratic rule in the 1980s.

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Source(s) for this article: O Globo

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