Liquid Cocaine Smuggling in Brasilia

Brazil News

| BRASILIA – Federal Police, for the first time in the Federal District, seized cocaine in liquid form. The drugs came from Peru and were being taken to Africa, according to police.

Liquid cocaine seized for the first time in Brazil’s Federal District, on Wednesday 25 April 2012. JK International Airport

Liquid Cocaine (Photo: G1)

A Peruvian national, 38, was arrested on Wednesday when trying to check-in at the international airport in Brasilia. Police were wary of the foreigner because of his suspicious behavior.

An inspection of the man’s bag produced nearly four kilos of cocaine hidden in packages of coffee. But what drew the most attention was that some of the drug was in liquid form in bottles, disguised to attract less attention.

Narcotics police said that the liquid form is very hard to detect and very rare, because it goes through a chemical process. They also said that it takes a person with very technical knowledge to detect the liquid form.

The man, who has a criminal record in his native Peru, told police that he was paid U.S. $2,000 to transport the drugs to Mozambique.

Federal Police said that the Brasilia airport is part of a route used for international drug trafficking. The Chief said that those trafficking in cocaine often fly through Brasilia on their way to Africa and Europe. This year alone, they have seized over 30 kg of cocaine and base paste.

Liquid cocaine smuggling is not new to Brazil: on April 4th, Federal Police in Iguassu Falls arrested a 37-year-old Spaniard trying to board a flight from the Foz do Iguaçu International Airport bound for Brasilia and connecting to Madrid, Spain, with 3.7 kg (8 lbs) of cocaine dissolved in a liquid and hidden in the cosmetic bottles.

The Peruvian will be jailed and charged with international drug trafficking. He faces 5 to 20 years imprisonment if convicted.

Source(s) for this article: G1

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