Cabbie: Nine Babies Born in my Taxi
Brazil News
| VITORIA, Brazil – A cab driver in South-East Brazil says that nine children have been born in his taxi cabs during his 50 years behind the wheel. Juracyr Zardin, 70, says that the latest baby to be born in his cab was delivered on Wednesday, in Vila Velha, in Espirito Santo state.

Brazilian Cabbie Juracyr Zardin (Photo: G1)
The child’s mother, Geane dos Santos Rocha, 24, has six children – three of whom were born in a taxi. Geane says that on Wednesday, she felt contractions and called Juracyr, known locally as “lifeguard Joe” to take her to the maternity hospital.
She went into labor in the car. Juracyr said that after the birth of the child, he wrapped it in a blanket and placed her in his father’s arms, then continued on to the hospital.
Juracyr is proud to have new life begin in his car. “As soon as we arrived at the hospital, she let out a great wail and began crying. The doctor came out to the car and cut the umbilical cord and took the two into the hospital,” the amiable cabbie told G1.
According to the Ministry of Health (SESA), Jean was born healthy, nine months old, weighing 3.7 kg and 46 cm long. The father praises the taxi driver. “If it were not for him, I don’t know what would have happened. I have to thank God first and then him,” father, Charles da Silva, told G1.
One of the children born in his cab over the years, was his own granddaughter, Julia. She is now three years old and none-the-worse for having started out life on the road.
Source(s) for this article: G1