Rio Zoo Animals Relax During Carnaval

Brazil News

| RIO DE JANEIRO – The animals at the Rio de Janeiro Zoo get a three-day break while the park is closed for Carnaval. According to ZooRio, the park concessionaire, the popular tourist attraction will be closed for Carnaval on Monday, Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.

Zé Colmeia the bear eating a fruit sherbert while swimming at the Rio de Janeiro Zoo 2012

Bear Eating Sherbert (Photo: Esther Nazareth/RioZoo/G1 RJ)

In addition to time off, the animals also get special treats this time of year, such as ice cream and iced sherberts with fruit. The lighter fare diet is to help them keep cool while the city swelters through the high temperatures of the South American Summer.

The popular zoo was opened over the weekend and will reopen on Thursday. Admission costs R$6 reals ($3.50 USD). Half price admission is available for students with school ID, and those over 60 years old. Children up to 1 m (3’3”) in height and those with disabilities with a companion.

Lion cools off by taking a swim in the pool at the Rio de Janeiro Zoo

Lion Swimming in Rio (Photo: Silvia Izquierdo/G1 RJ)

Zé Colmeia the bear eats frozen grapes at the Rio de Janeiro Zoo

Zé Colmeia (Photo: Claude Paris/G1 RJ)

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Source(s) for this article: G1 RJ

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