Update on Rio de Janeiro Trolley Tragedy

Fifty-five now said to be injured

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil – A preliminary investigation into the tragic trolley accident in Rio de Janeiro Saturday, which killed five people and wounded 55 more, reveals that the tragedy was the result of several issues, reported terra.com.br on Sunday.

There were many worn parts as well as a haphazardly patched part of the tram where a piece of wire instead of a screw was used. Additionally, the tram was operating over capacity with 60 passengers instead of the 38 people the trolly was designed to carry.

p>The preliminary investigation was done by members of the commission of accidents of the Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy (CREA) in Rio where the remains of the trolly were taken for inspection. The Secretary of State for Transport, Julio Lopez, stated that the trolly will not return to operation until after the investigation is completed.

Street traffic into and out of the Santa Teresa neighborhood, in central Rio were the accident occurred, has been diverted from the main street were the tracks run to side streets.

Five people were killed and 55 injured in the accident on Saturday afternoon. Among the dead were two brothers and a 12-year-old girl. Twenty-six people were taken to hospital and ten people were admitted in critical condition.

The trolley, affectionately known as the bonde by the people of Rio, is 115-years-old.

Brazil is hosting the 2014 FIFA Wold Cup and Rio is hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics.

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Brazilian online news source for this article: terra.com.br

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