Sao Paulo Gangs Blast Open More ATMs

Explosion common method of bank robbery in Brazil

SAO PAULO – Thieves in São Paulo have blown apart two more ATM machines in the greater metropolitan area over the last few days. The audacious robberies would bring the total to at least 42 so far this year carried out by criminal gangs in the state.

ATM Blasted Open in Sao Paulo, Brazil Robbery

Blasted ATM (photo:

On Thursday morning at about 4 am in the city of Louveira, about 70 km from the capitol, a gang of men blew apart an ATM. According to the police, the heavily armed men fled with an unknown amount of cash.

The explosion occurred on Armando Steck Street in the center of the city. An eye witness called police who arrived on the scene within minutes. The police did not catch the bandits who fled in three cars.

Early Friday morning, bandits blew open an ATM in Guarulhos, in metropolitin Sao Paulo, at a gas station about 255 km from the capitol, on the Presidente Dutra Highway to Rio de Janeiro. The police made no arrests and an unknown amount of money was taken.

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