Norah Jones Brazil 2012 Tour Announced

Brazil Music News

Norah Jones Announces 2012 Brazil Tour
Norah Jones Announces 2012 Brazil Tour

RIO DE JANEIRO – Norah Jones Brazil 2012 tour producers announced that she will do concerts in three state capitals in December. The American pop-star performs in Porto Alegre on December 12th, in São Paulo on the 15th and in Rio de Janeiro on the 16th, reported online media on Tuesday.

Norah Jones Brazil 2012 Tour Announced

The American singer-songwriter, pianist, and actress is daughter of Indian musician Ravi Shankar. Norah has won 12 Grammy Awards. She has six studio albums, one compilation and one EP. The singer’s latest album is Little Broken Hearts, released in 2012.

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During Norah’s last visit to Brazil in 2010, she did a show in São Paulo, in Independence Park, in front of 40,000 adoring fans. Producers say they will release information on venues, advance ticket sales and prices for the Norah Jones Brazil 2012 tour soon.

In addition to her Grammy Awards, Billboard magazine named Norah the 60th best-selling music artist of the 2000-2009 decade. Throughout her career, Jones has won many awards and has sold over 40 million albums worldwide. Billboard also named her the top jazz artist of the 2000-2009 decade, establishing her as one of the best-selling artists of her time.

Norah Jones began her solo music career with the release of the commercially successful and critically acclaimed album . The album fuses jazz, pop, and country music, and became a certified a diamond album in 2002, after selling over 20 million copies.

Her later studio albums, , released in 2004, , released in 2007, and her 2009 release all gained Platinum status after selling over a million copies each and were generally well received by critics. Jones released her fifth studio album, , on April 27th, 2012.

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