World Cup Preparations On Track

Brazil News

RIO DE JANEIRO – The Brazilian Sports Minister, Aldo Rebelo, has issued a statement to say that preparations for the 2014 football World Cup, which will be hosted by Brazil, are now well under way. This will come as a relief to some, who feared that the Maracanã stadium would not be finished in time for the Confederations Cup, which takes place just a year beforehand, and of often considered to be something of a rehearsal for the big event.

Novo Maracana stadium Rio de Janeiro

Novo Maracanã (Photo:

Much planning and preparation has gone into refurbishing the stadium, as well as building new venues to cater for the huge number of football fans who are expected to flock to this destination over the next few years. After all, hosting the World Cup is unlike organizing a volleyball or partypoker tournament – football is one of the most popular sports in the world, and fans are guaranteed to flock to the hosting country in their thousands. Of course, a boost in tourism is always beneficial for a country’s economy, but it is essential that the relevant facilities are available to accommodate such large numbers.

Thankfully, it seems that Rebelo is confident that plans are on target, and will be ready in time for the Confederations Cup, as well as the World Cup event – despite the fact that some have suggested plans are behind schedule. Indeed, when work was delayed considerable by last year’s builders strike, it was little surprise that FIFA became concerned. However, it is not just the stadium which has been refurbished – roads and airports have also been given something of a makeover in preparation for the event.

The 2014 World Cup will be certainly be a hugely significant event for Brazil as it is the first time it has been hosted by the country in over 60 years. We’ll keep you posted as the plans continue to progress.

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