Brazil News
RIO DE JANEIRO – Mayor Eduardo Paes announced on Friday afternoon, the discovery of the foundation stone of the Dom Pedro II Dock, laid on September 15, 1871 by engineer André Rebouças. Rio’s mayor posted a photo of the stone – which was found in the construction to revitalize the harbor area of the city – on Twitter.
Dom Pedro II Dock Stone (Photo: O Globo)
“The stone bore the engraving: 15/09/71 and DDP II. Known as ‘shed of citizenship’, the Docks Dom Pedro II, later called the National Docks, were the hallmark of entrepreneurial daring of the era, and also a mark of the vision of André Rebouças, a black and director of the Customs Dock Works, who prevented the use of slave labor in construction,” said the mayor on Twitter.
In February, National History Museum archaeologists found a seventeenth century cannon at the site of the Marvelous Port revitalization on the city’s waterfront. According to the municipal Department of Public Works, the cannon was the third found since excavation began.
The $5 billion dollar project is remaking Rio’s port region for tourism and business ahead of the 2016 Olympic Games. In March, the project unearthed the Valongo wharf where up to a million men and women forced into bondage in Africa emerged from the bellies of ships, in what was once the world’s busiest slave-trading port.