Brazil News
RIO DE JANEIRO – Favorable economic conditions in Brazil is encouraging the arrival of an increasing number of immigrants. Most are Latino, mostly from the member states of Mercosur, but also a growing contingent from Asia and Africa.

Immigration to Brazil (Photo:
According to the Ministry of Justice, in 2010, 961,000 foreign immigrants lived in Brazil legally. That figure increased to 1,466,000 last year. To manage the increasing numbers of immigrants, the federal government sent to Congress a proposal to modernize the so-called Statute of the Foreigner, last amended in 1980, which will be expanded to become a new Immigration Law.
Paulo Sérgio de Almeida, President of the National Immigration Council, said the Brazilian government’s intention with the new law is to integrate the best possible immigrants, through inclusion in the labor markets and ensuring access to basic health services, education and welfare.
“We still have a law from the 1980s, which was written in the pre-democracy era, focusing on national security. Now we are building new legislation, focusing on the interests of modern Brazil. So the immigrant, coming here, can develop and contribute to our country. Human rights are at the core of this new vision of Brazilian immigration policy, said Paulo Sérgio de Almeida to Agencia Brasil.