Trio Sold Pies Made from Human Flesh

Brazil News

RECIFE, Brazil – Three murder suspects in north-eastern Brazil confessed on Thursday to using flesh from their victims in meat pies which they sold to the public. In addition to selling the human cuisine, Civil Police (PC) in Pernambuco state say the trio and a five year old child who lived with them ate the pies.

Trio admits to selling human flesh pies in the city of Garanhuns, Pernambuco, April 2012.

 Jorge da Silveira and Isabel Pires(Photo:

According to police, the suspects also confessed that after the murders, they kept the bodies of victims in the refrigerator. When police went to the house, they found human flesh in the refrigerator.

Police believe that the parts used for the production of pies were the buttocks and thighs of the victims. Police have confirmed with members of the public in the town of Garanhuns, 228 km (141 mi) from the state capital Recife, that the trio did in fact sell meat pies in the city. Police have not spoken to anybody complaining of having eaten the human remains, however.

The suspects in the barbaric crime consist of a love triangle made up of a married couple, both 52, and a 23-year-old woman. The trio was arrested on Wednesday, when police found the remains of two women buried in the backyard of their home, in addition to the human flesh found in the refrigerator.

Police also reported that the suspects were part of a sect that preached the purification of the world and population reduction. Their goal was to kill women continuously for three years. “According to those involved, they participated in a sect called the Cartel. The victims were lured to the house of the suspects through a false promise of a job babysitting,” a police investigator told the G1 network.

Searching the home of the suspects, police also found the birth certificate of the five year old child who lived with the suspects. She was the daughter of a woman murdered in 2008 in Olinda, also in Pernambuco state. Once of the suspects assumed the name of the woman and claimed that the girl was her daughter.

The child had witnessed the murders and revealed details to police. Juvenile authorities are taking care of the child and trying to find a home for her. The woman and the two men were taken to jail to await charges.

One of the male suspects detailed the crimes in a book, illustrating and notating the details of his life and crimes. The book describes the acts of cannibalism, saying that the three would eat the flesh of the victims to “purify the soul.”

The city of Garanhuns is best known as the birthplace of the last president of Brazil, Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva.

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