Shot in the Chest, Saved by Cellphone

Brazil News

| RIO DE JANEIRO – A doctor escaped near certain death on Wednesday when a bullet hit him in the chest but was deflected by a cell phone he was carrying in his shirt pocket. The doc was walking in the area of Plaza XV in downtown Rio, and was one of three victims shot after an argument over a woman on a city bus.

Cellphone which deflected bulleted destined for man’s heart, downtown Rio de Janeiro 18 April 2012

Cellphone Shield (Photo: Aline Pollilo/G1)

”He just didn’t die because one of the shots that would have hit him in the heart hit the phone instead, changing the trajectory of the bullet,” the detective investigating the case told G1.

Also according to the detective, the accused gunman will be charged with three counts of attempted murder. If convicted, the gunman faces 12 to 20 years imprisonment. The suspect’s police record includes charges of abuse, robbery and manslaughter.

As the bus was passing through the area of Plaza XV this morning, the driver flirted with the girlfriend of a passenger on the bus. The girl’s boyfriend began arguing with the driver and then pulled a gun and started shooting. The passengers stampeded off the bus.

The gunman continued shooting hitting two pedestrians – including the doctor – and the bus driver. None of the injuries were life threatening.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 RJ

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