Inmate Escapes Dressed as a Woman

Brazil News

| MACEIO, Brazil – An accused drug trafficker, in jail after being caught with 16 kg (35 lbs) of marijuana resin, walked out of jail dressed as a woman this week. Ronaldo da Silva, 39, tried to flee the county jail in the interior of Alagoas state in north-eastern Brazil but was quickly recaptured.

An accused drug trafficker dressed as woman managed to walk out of a jail in north-eastern Brazil this week but was quickly recaptured by jailers.

Trafficker who walked out of jail dressed as woman (Photo: Civil Police)

The trafficker tried to outwit his jailers by putting on a wig, painting his nails and wearing a long dress. He managed to walk out of the jail “but was recaptured and then thrown back into jail while still wearing his disguise,” said jail warden Carlos Welber. “It was ugly, it was the worst.” added the jailer.

Jailers say that it was visiting day at the facility and that the prisoner managed to integrate himself into the women leaving the prison after visiting their husbands. They add that they will be taking additional measures to prevent this type of occurrence in the future.

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