‘Flying Car’ Smashes into Home

Brazil News

SAO PAULO – Police partially condemned a home in the Itaim Paulista neighborhood of metropolitan Sao Paulo on Sunday, after a flying car slammed into the second floor. The car became stuck in the wall and destroyed part of a bathroom and bedroom in the house.

On Sunday, 15 April 2012, an unlicensed driver crashed his car into the second story of a house in Itaim Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Car in Second Floor of House (Photo: jornalfloripa.com.br)

Although eight people were on the premises at the time of the accident, including five children, none were injured. The driver of the car was rescued by firefighters and taken to hospital but was discharged later on Sunday.

According to the Civil Guard, only the second floor of the house will be closed with access only allowed for construction workers making repairs. The ground floor was released to the family who spent Sunday night with neighbors.

The lady of the house, her son, two sisters and four nephews were in the building when the compact car smashed through the wall of the upstairs bathroom. The driver of the car, a 25-year-old man, lost control while maneuvering a curve in the road that runs behind the house. He ran off the road and crashed into the exterior wall of the two story home.

”Suddenly there was a loud noise…it seemed that everything had collapsed, like a bomb. I ran into the other room, I saw that pile of dust, and grabbed my sister and nephew. My nephew was all covered in dust, my sister was laying on top of him. Thank God everybody was ok,” said Luciene, the lady of the house.

Besides the hole in the exterior wall, the impact destroyed a bathroom and the car. The closet where Luciene’s son kept his toys was damaged. Toys and clothes were buried under the rubble. “But that’s nothing, the important thing is that everybody is OK,” said Luciene.

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