Car Crushed, Driver Escapes Unscathed

Brazil News

SAO PAULO – The Ford Fiesta driven by Jamili Gobato Abou Adili, 26, was crushed after being hit by a bus on Tuesday, but the lucky woman walked away with minor injuries. The car was rendered an unrecognizable ball of crushed metal. “I didn’t think I would come out unscathed,” the woman told G1, but she escaped with only a cut on her forehead and a small bruise on her left hand.

A woman walked away from a collision in Sao Paulo on Tuesday which totaled her Ford Fiesta

Jamili’s Ford Fiesta (Photo: Cristiano Novais/ AE / G1)

”Everything happened so fast. I saw a huge bus coming at me at high-speed,” she said. “I felt a strong impact, I felt a few more hits, perhaps other cars, and I thought, ‘Wow, now I’m going to die.’” The next thing she remembers is receiving first aid at a police station.

As a precaution, she was taken to a local Emergency Room, where she was admitted for observation, but she was not able to rest. “Lots of people wanted to look at the ‘girl who was born again,’” she said.

She was discharged Wednesday morning and headed for home, arriving there and sleeping all afternoon. Despite having only the two small injuries, she complains of her whole body aching. This week she’ll spend at home recovering. Her car was a total loss but she had insurance.

Happy to be alive, the young woman said she plans to celebrate April 17th for the rest of her life. “I was born again. This will be my second birthday.”

The bus driver involved in the accident was experienced. The police are investigating whether the bus had brake problems. The Military Police who responded to the accident reported that the driver “lost” the brakes moments before the collision.

The Civil Police, who are investigating the accident, said that there is no evidence that the driver was using drugs or alcohol. A total of six vehicles were involved in the accident.

 Jamili Gobato Abou Adili, 26, walked away with minor injuries from an accident on Tuesday 17 April 2012 in Sao Paulo

Woman was ‘born again’ after accident (Photo: Paulo Toledo Piza/G1)

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