Blumenau Dog Walk Draws Thousands

Brazil News

FLORIANOPOLIS, Brazil – Over 4,000 people and 1,284 dogs of various breeds participated on Sunday morning in the 13th annual communal dog walk, or Cãominhada, in Blumenau, Santa Catarina state, reported Folha de Sao Paulo.

 Over 4,000 people and 1,284 dogs of various breeds participated on Sunday morning in the 13th annual communal dog walk, or Cãominhada, in Blumenau, Santa Catarina

 Cãominhada Blumenau Brazil (Photo: Folha)

Participants gathered in German Village Park, site of the annual Oktoberfest, at about 10 am. To participate, animals must be properly vaccinated. Watchdogs, Rottweiler, Pitt Bull and some others must wear muzzles.

The Cãominhada traveled 3.5 km from the city center. The trip began in Sector 1 of the park and passed through the streets of the Alberto Stein, João Pessoa, Conselheiro Galvão, 7 de Setembro and Humberto de Campos neighborhoods before returning to the park.

According to Lilian Ribeiro, director of events in the park, sunny weather contributed to heavy participation. “Due to the extended Labor Day holiday weekend, we didn’t expect so many people,” he told Folha.

After the Cãominhada, there was an agility show (circuit with obstacles) and a visit to the veterinary hospital for a raffle of gifts for the participants. There was also a photographic studio with “chroma key” technology where owners could take pictures of their dogs in virtual scenarios.

The event, in partnership with the city of Blumenau, occurs twice a year. The next time will be on August 26 at 10 am.

Cãominhada Dog Walk in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil

The first edition of Cãominhada occurred on July 8th, 2007 with the participation of 417 animals. Since then, the event has grown each year, attracting dogs and people from Blumenau as well as other cities.

In May 2011, the 9th Annual Cãominhada, 1,417 dogs participated in the walk.

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