Brazil News
RECIFE, Brazil – The world’s last remaining Zeppelin mooring tower, in Recife, Pernambuco state, in north-eastern Brazil will be restored. The mayor of Recife, Joao da Costa, signed a R$5.7 million real contract to restore the tower as well as two World War II era bunkers. Completion is scheduled for September.
Zeppelin Airship Mooring Tower, Recife, Brazil (Photo: Wikipedia)
Zeppelin Airship Tower to be Restored
”The tower makes up as a unique heritage in the world. It represents the scientific and technological progress that was the Zeppelin in the 30s and is a living memory of the architecture of the early twentieth century, which shortened by half the [travel] distance between Europe and Brazil,” said Joseph Bertotti, Secretary for Science, Technology and economic Development at City Hall.
The tower belonged to a bank before the city bought it in 2006, preventing it from imminent destruction. The tower was in service from 1930 until 1937. When fully restored, the docking arm will rise 24 meters (over 80 feet).
The Hindenburg was the last airship to moor in Recife. The airship stopped over while returning from a trip to Rio de Janeiro. After leaving Brazil, the doomed Zeppelin airship returned to Frankfurt Germany, where it began its fateful voyage to Lakehurst, New Jersey, where it exploded on May 6th, 1937.
Zeppelin Moors in Recife (Photo: Fernando Machado)